Monday 12 December 2011

Understanding People!

Somehow, it so happens that when we try to solve issues in our lives, they tend to get more and more tangled and complicated as we think deeper, instead of rendering a simple straight forward solution. Such an issue in my life is simply understanding the people I have around me!...

Now, this might not be regarded as an 'issue' by most people, but my brain just works a little differently! What truly amazes me is the variety of different situations that people are in and the way in which these situations have moulded their lives in totally different ways!...Everyone has their own way of living, specially adapted to suit one's circumstances. It is when these circumstances are not mutually understood, that misunderstandings take place. And it's this level of mutual understanding, which I'd like to call 'maturity', irrespective of age or anything else.

For instance, if someone tells us something unpleasant, it might apparently be to just hurt us, but many a times it may turn out to be a friendly suggestion to help us improve ourselves, or it may be an offhand remark from a casual person to draw some eyeballs, not really caring how we react to it. So, as we can see, the intentions may vary from being slightly negative to completely positive and the same remark may thus come from a friend or foe, alike. The rest depends on our perception of the event, which makes us react in different ways, according to our own maturity levels.

Furthermore, what needs to be understood is that there's always an unseen extension to everything that's said. For example, if you say something out of sheer confidence without much of a solid base, technically there's always an unheard 'I bet' attached to it. Similarly, when you exude confidence emphasizing you'll surely achieve something solely trusting your guts, there's always an unheard 'if I can' attached to it (remember this is the real world and not the 'Matrix'). Also, if you say 'there's no way...', it always has an unheard 'unless...' attached to it. But if we get too embroiled with these extensions it would drive us crazy; so most of us simply abstract the bit that's useful to us. Oh! well... I'd rather prefer 'let's find out', which doesn't leave much to the imagination! 

So, as I had initially mentioned, we can already see a simple remark taking on a life of its own, complicating matters as we try to delve into it. Now, a huge majority of people would just ignore such a thing, but it plays havoc in the over-working mind of a guy like me. I just cannot seem to ignore anything, no matter how small or how big it is; and analyzing it like this, probably only leads to a waste of time, but I also appreciate the fact that a clear mind is always better than a confused one. That's the true reason I decided to write this blog; to get certain things off my chest!...

Now, there are loads of related issues and questions that remain unanswered, for example:-
* Should we be influenced by someone else's attitude towards us?
* Should we give a damn to what others think about us?
* Should we live life by our own rules, even if those 'rules' are widely 'un'-accepted?
* Where exactly should we draw the line between 'friends' and 'others'?
and finally, but more obviously,..............
* Does this whole thing need to be evaluated so precisely and statistically at all?

Well, it's for you to answer all that, but I assure you its not going to be easy. Personally though, I have adapted to my own experiences and circumstances, and have decided to live my life by my own rules, because having a constant attitude, even if mildly different, is still much better than living in constant doubt, don't you think?...We must realize that ultimately, our future will be shaped by us ourselves and not by any no-good bystander! At the end of the day, we have to carry our own batons across the finish line, whether anyone else cares or not, for our own sake and for the sake of those who really care for us. So, stop "thinking" and go out there and "do" whatever you have to do, to be successful, and achieve everything you have aimed for! This is the true meaning of life!!!...So;

& of course,
   BE THE FORCE!!!...   


  1. When I began reading the post, I felt someone was reading out my thoughts. Glad to know someone else thinks in a similar fashion :). This is what I have told myself and tell everyone around me (and hence even you have to now hear the same thing), "People may say a variety of things some of which will be positive and some negative. As far as possible, take it to be positive and draw the most out of what is said." I find this approach simple for the reason it helps me maintain friendship and not get worked up (which takes up time and resources) over things that turn out to be stupid later. Also, even if the person really intended to hurt you, not feeling that way is probably the best response ;). Yet another reason is that keeping such things behind myself, I try to put forth others (as far as possible) that I would like them to take my comments and remarks in the positive sense, even when sometimes they sound harsh.

    About living by your own rules, I have one rule, "Don't give into peer pressure." The idea is to convince myself completely and not just follow the herd. I have changed a lot in these years at college, but I approve of most of my changes and don't regret any one. I don't think that any one of them came out of mere peer pressure (but they might have caused me to think and finally be convinced).

  2. I have tried to take everything positively and be an optimist before, but it wasn't quite working out anymore and some things which have occured in my recent past forced me to write all of this!But we'll be living by our own rules, so its okay!Btw, its nice to find out that some people share my views on a topic that is not the easiest to share or write on!... :)
