Friday 24 January 2014

The Preeminent Realization

I'm sure all of us, at some point or another, have seen it happening in the movies... A sudden light dawns on an individual in a supreme elucidative moment, where all his queries are instantly answered and a crystal clear itinerary is set ahead! But in reality, is there any single event powerful enough to bring this to fruition? For the short term may be, but on an indelible scale, I think not!

Undissembled realization only comes from years of rigorous experience... As for me, I've realized that, inspite of all the vicissitudes, I'd never swap my life with anyone else's. Uniqueness and individuality are among the foremost qualities imperative to the modern world. In fact, the more distinct an individual is, the more the variety there is in the group and greater is the multitude of ideas generated! There exists an explicit nexus between positive and negative, ups and downs, friendship and enmity... Such words or feelings always exist in pairs like two sides of the same coin, and it is asinine to accept one and deny the other.

This year has started off on a blithesome note for me and most of the jolly folk I come across every day, with some attending their friends' marriages and others engrossed in fests like Spardha or the ongoing Kashi Yatra, in our college. For me, some days have stood out above the rest, including the evening of 11th Jan, an account of which I've laid down in the previous article, and obviously the night of 19th Jan, which witnessed the grand birthday celebration of one of my dearest friends.

That being said, these uninhibited memories will probably get more toilsome to come by as we are hit by much more consequential circumstances. With GATE staring us in the face, just about a week from now, and 2014 set to be the most decisive year in our careers, I've made sure to reminisce about all my past delights, starting from the freshers' party at HHI years back, right up to the recent fete at Radisson, so as to attain a thoughtless state of mind, entailed by the near future...
Rachi's Birthday Bash at Radisson, Varanasi

Sunday 12 January 2014

The Raucous Jol

What better way to start off the brand new year than to throw a jamboree for some of your closest friends? The regal delight and boisterous fun, coupled with a sumptuous feast made for an excellent evening and a thrilling dinner party! As always, the second weekend of January was marked by Saturnalia in our college. But having already played our cards right in events like 'Kismat Konnection', and experiencing the jolt of the ensuing DJ Night in our very first year itself, this year we turned our attention to a more personal celebration.

So I decided to use the pending treat, on account of my previous birthday, as a pretext to enjoy some quality time with my closely knit friend circle. One could call it a stag night, but I looked upon it as a testament to the warmth and spirit of true friendship. As we were leaving our college premises, our jubilant voices and a steady stream of people wearing flashy garbs, going in the opposite direction towards the bright flood lights to enjoy Saturnalia, were in stark contrast to the chilled melancholy spread over Varanasi.

We decided to go to Yale Chico, a popular diner and bar, used to having frequent revelers from the student community. While waiting for soups and other ordered starters to be delivered, an increasingly engrossing discussion on topics ranging from technology and politics to the current placement scenario in our college, took place. Not knowing what tempest was brewing ahead, we wondered what opportunities would present themselves as the next major milestone and how would we sequester it. It was gripping to hear the different perspectives and insights each person had to offer, but only until our noses picked up the approaching fragrance of the delicacies that had been requested. 

Then after satisfying our ever so demanding taste buds with a variety of non-veg cuisines and a select few veg dishes, we decided to stop off at Lanka for desserts, before calling it a day. Finishing the raucous jol with Rabri, Rasgullas and Gulab Jamuns, and looking forward to overcoming the onslaught of impending challenges, the evening of 11th Jan'14 will surely remain one of the most memorable instances in my mental scrapbook!   
Yale Chico, Varanasi

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