Wednesday 13 September 2017

Home Redecor

The end of July'17 was a time I had especially looked forward to for many reasons... It would probably be one of the last times I'd be able to meet my fiancée before our wedding... Other than that, setting up our home here in Panipat also held my interest in high anticipation. Although back then on the work front, I was part of a major ongoing shutdown at my refinery, I managed to get the night shift so as to have sufficient time during the day to go shopping together and with our families.

Although it was a matter of just a few days, those were some of the best days I've ever had. The first time I took my would-be wifey's parents to our home, we weren't accompanied by her and it was surely a hilarious introduction with the landlady. Not having ever met my fiancée, she momentarily mistook my mother-in-law for her and stared shocked! It was only after I explained, that her bamboozled expression faded.

Other than buying everything from kitchen appliances to classic wooden & leatherette furniture, my betrothed & I got to spend some dreamy time together dating at a place near our house called Café Grill, and visiting several other places in a city to which she was totally new. Finally when time was up, our house had been converted from the appearance of a college hostel room to a classic urban home. And now, all that remains perhaps is for us to officially move in to our new dwelling...

Friday 8 September 2017


Ever since humans first walked the face of the planet, the question of immortality has always riveted our thoughts. Back when I was a child, I used to think in all innocence that everyone & everything around me would continue just as they were forever. But not long after, the grim reality of the matter was revealed to me... It turned out that almost everything and everyone had a finite life span and would eventually perish some day. Although this saddened me I began to think... What is immortality exactly???

I guess, to most people it simply means living on forever. But is this really possible? Our body is an amazing biotic machine whose cells are constantly dying and multiplying at the rate of billions every day, but the process falters as we age until a certain point is reached where the new cells produced aren’t able to adequately replenish the old ones being lost and our slow descent into the grave begins.

With the advent of medical science, better standards of living and healthier nutrition, biological aging can be postponed. New calorie restriction mimetic drugs have been proven to increase life of rodents by 50%, a result which has been replicated in apes. New technologies like 3D printing and advances made in stem cell research are gradually making it possible to replace almost any organ in the body! But all said and done, our hopes are still hovering in the range of about 200 years, which is not even remotely close to immortality, is it?

It is time we changed our perspective to look for another definition of immortality... Our conscience & self-awareness are seated in our brains; so what if we could at least preserve our minds instead of our entire body? Sort of like transferring data to a new hard drive every time the old one starts malfunctioning... Albeit an insanely large hard drive as the storage capacity of the human brain is estimated by neuroscientists to be anywhere in the range starting from a few terabytes to about 2.5 petabytes! Even if the technology for making such a transfer existed, its cost would probably be such as could not be afforded by the average joe...
So, as things stand, the only other way I can think of someone becoming immortal is by the virtue of the work someone does and the legacy he or she leaves behind. Just like E=mc2 will always be synonymous with Einstein, we should all try to live our lives in a way that will leave a permanent constructive mark in this existential web which we all are a part of. So, until we can become truly immortal someday like certain species of jellyfish or hydra, I’d like to conclude with a famous quote from Eleanor Roosevelt: “When you seize to make a contribution, you begin to die.”

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