Friday 30 December 2011

A Thoughtful Day Before 2012!!!...

On the verge of entering yet another 'New Year', it is the time when some people think of turning a new leaf over in their lives while others recapitulate past events and revisit long-lost memories, wondering about where this journey of life has brought them and what's in store for them further ahead!...As for me, despite the cold winter chilling me to the bone, some kind of fire still rages on in my heart as I enter a world hidden deep beneath flesh and blood, in the farthest reaches of my brain!

At first, it's the usual!.....Fleeting thoughts across the surface of the brain, about daily events, yesterday's class, tomorrow's celebrations, and so on and so forth.....These thoughts go away as fast as they had appeared and do not make much of an impression. But, as one looks deeper, ........much much deeper!... , the thoughts become way more transparent. These are not fleeting thoughts, but are much more static, calm, definite and permanent. In fact, they are less like thoughts and more like the very things which define you and validate your existence!... 

So, Who Am I? Well, you might think, just another guy who went to school and following the usual trend, entered the engineering stream along with his friends and is now writing some philosophical crap on the internet! Hehe...Well, not quite!!!...There's much more to it than you would expect! I am the kind of guy who dreams of doing big things in life and strives his best towards it; but something always happens, a twist in the tale, a crack in the fuse, whenever I put my mind to something! Just for instance, during our college fests, I am one of the very few who have both the required technical know-how and the willingness to work, but always has a hard time finding a team to work with. But, let's not delve into all that! All of us have had our moments of glory too!... The new year is all about acknowledging one's past achievements and at the same time learning from one's past mistakes.

Also, How am I placed in life right now? That's another deeply ingrained question which I ask myself all the time, which is not so easy to answer. My personal life, with my amazing family and wonderful close friends, couldn't get better! I probably have two of the best parents in the whole world..... loving, caring role-models! My childhood has been extremely enjoyable and quite frankly, awesome!... I couldn't wish for anything more! As far as my academic life is concerned, I have my own yardsticks for judging myself, but in general, I have cracked almost all the major exams in my life with reasonably good results, maybe some in which I would've liked to do better, but that's alright; I tried my best and that's what counts! So, is it that I'm really well placed? Well maybe; but not necessarily! Everyone is fighting a battle of their own at different levels; maybe not economically or physically, but emotionally or existentially!

So, all in all the situation is as complex as ever without too many well-defined answers, but isn't that what makes life so interesting? Anyhow, there is definitely one thing that Ill be carrying forth this new year and that is : "YOU should be defined by YOU"! Confused? What I mean is, you shouldn't be defined by where you're from or where you've studied or which family you belong to, etc, etc. You should be accepted and recognized by who you are and what you are, and your positives should be appreciated as they are! Everyone is unique and that's a gift! If you are prudently uncommon, one in a million, then you're special and people should not wish you to be like someone else of their choice!!!..... So, let's go out there, define ourselves and make a statement in this amazing brand new year!!!.....

Honestly, I don't feel like stopping here because blogging gives me the feeling of close interaction with someone who might share the same thoughts as me, but a fullstop must be drawn at some point or the other. So, until next year guys,

ALL THE BEST FOR 2012!!!  

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