Monday 30 June 2014

The Virtuoso Fabric

Whether it was the pinch created by the all-India AIMCATs twice a week, or something else which got me thinking, I'm not sure, but how often have we asked ourselves the question "What are we here for?", in vain? Furthermore, do we really have the right tools or attributes to obtain a tranquilising answer to this abstract query? Witnessing the astounding transformation of all the bright young minds around oneself into fledgling professionals makes one wonder where one really ought to be. And while I'm sure that most of us would superficially argue by trying to validate what we are doing under the pretext of passion or worse, simply to earn a livelihood, that isn't always the case, is it?

Now, I know that if you cannot do what you love, you can at least try to love what you do, but aren't we missing the bigger picture? Is it really that simple? Are the people who distinguish between what they must do, should do or would like to do, nothing short of complete imbeciles? I'd beg to differ... For example, I'd say I must fulfil my family's aspirations, and should contribute in some way towards the society in the long run, but above all, I would like to achieve my own dreams and ambitions by pursuing a career which suits me best! It is like different logically sound voices trying to make their presence felt by dominating each other in my mind.

But, at long last, I've finally understood that these aren't conflicting emotions at all, but form, what I would like to think of as, a complexly intermeshed virtuoso fabric. Just for instance, even an average person doing a random job is putting something in the pot for the world around him, and in return is getting paid for it, to upgrade his own standard of living. The ray of light that has finally illuminated within me states that, even if we aim for just one particular thing or focus on just one detached aspect of what we expect from ourselves, then the entirety is still taken care of by default! Whether you are doing something for satisfying your appetite for it, or simply for the paycheck, all that matters, along with a little bit of luck, is how hard you actually try... Whatever your motivation might be, after crossing a certain threshold you are bound to get the desired results.

The other significant question that pops up arises from the stark difference between various professions, like sports on the one hand and engineering sciences on the other. And although the challenges faced and the ultimate goals of the two couldn't be more conversely situated at the opposite ends of a spectrum, both of these have their respective roles to play in the modern day society. While the former sets the standards for physical excellence and mental resilience along with a tinge of entertainment, the latter aims at technological advancement through perseverance, patience and a tonne of brain-wracking, followed by innovation and implementation! Both are equally important for the development of the individual and mankind as a whole. So, to sum it all up, I think the mantra to live a life close to perfection, lies in trying to achieve the pinnacle of success in whatever we do!    

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