Monday 5 October 2020

The Equation of Life

35,399,250 and 1,041,824 – These are the staggering figures for worldwide COVID-19 cases and deaths as on date, respectively, with India at 2nd place on the dreaded statistic list of this pandemic, lagging behind only the US. And while I had to undergo the feared test for this vicious virus some time back, which fortunately turned out to be negative, today I’m here to talk about something different...

Yes... The equation of life... And guess what? You don’t need to be a famous cricketer or a movie star with a criminal record to have your own story. Each and every one of us - and by ‘us’ I mean all seven and a half billion of mankind, friend and foe alike, already have our own unique tale, with years as chapters, months as pages and every day being a fresh line of the latest paragraph. The only challenge is to be the best version of ourselves, trying to live in the fullest richest way possible!

Here, we can say that the people in our lives are the variables in this complex expression, and when the variables change, so does the equation... The deletion or introduction of even a single one of these variables can profoundly impact all the other variables in this delicate balance and the way they interact with each other. For example, as on date, many in my age bracket have unfortunately lost their grandparents, amongst whom however many have been lucky to have welcomed their better halves into their lives. This is simply how life progresses.

But these variables are not just restricted to our families. Every single one of us interacts with a variety of different variables daily, in the line of our personal and professional pursuits, which may lead to either a constructive or a destructive interference (terms which I’m sure engineers would be glad to relate to... hahaha). It is like two bubbles colliding... They may merge creating a bigger bubble or bounce off of each other when not compatible. Now, it is up to us to try to enrich our equation by retaining the former in every fibre of our being, as opposed to the latter.

This blog has witnessed numerous articles on the various aspects of life, highlighting its different outlooks, challenges, solutions and much more, but I think this excerpt conveniently sums it all up in the simplest way possible. A recent trip to the Tiger Gate of Rajasthan, Alwar, our first breather since the commencement of the nationwide COVID-19 lockdown, to kick-off what seems like a 3-month year for us, although a far cry from our international plans swindled by the novel Coronavirus, nevertheless helped us rekindle the fire and cherish these very bonds we are blessed to have in our lives. After all, nature knows no political borders and India fortuitously has one of the most diverse geographies of any nation on the planet.

Here's to life...! #Bala Quila / Siliserh Lake, Alwar

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely Blog! It's again a masterpiece! It's very much thought provoking when you say =>

    "It is like two bubbles colliding... They may merge creating a bigger bubble or bounce off of each other when not compatible. Now, it is up to us to try to enrich our equation by retaining the former in every fibre of our being, as opposed to the latter."

    The last but not the least - the photographs are awesome! TKDev


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