Saturday 16 May 2020

Seasonal Moods

Is it just me or are there others whose moods are somehow deeply rooted to the various seasons we experience? Absurd question, I know... But a valid one nonetheless... My granny, for one, was always in a sour mood as far as the weather was concerned. Summers were always too hot, winters too cold and monsoons too wet! I, on the other hand, am very opinionated in this regard, with strong favourites.

Although summers are functional and a favourite among beach goers, I never was too fond of the scorching heat, literally draining away all your energy with every drop of perspiration. And while winters can be managed by putting on layers of clothing, there is no practical way of dealing with the hot season when outdoors. You cannot strip away your skin after all! Hahaha...

On the other hand, I've always been a big fan of the chill. And that one famous dialogue from Game of Thrones, which never failed to give me a feel-good, even with the mercury hitting near 50 degC, undoubtedly needless to quote, was 'winter is coming'! With the frost calming your body and mind, it is also a boon for skiiers, ice-skaters, snow-boarders and a myriad of other folks, including those who want to try out heavy winter apparel.

But all said and done, the monsoon surely takes the cake for me. With the rains washing away all your heartburns and confusion, the sound of rainwater punching your roof and pouring on to the streets below, creating music to your ears, I seem to reach an all new philosophical level every time I'm in the midst of a heavy downpour! And what's better than an accompanying gust of droplets carried by the cool breeze, which brings out the essence of the deluge even more? It's funny that when most people would duck and run, my wife and I dash towards the closest balcony door to take on nature's fury at its best, head on. On that note, can you guess what time of day this is...?
It's 11AM... Yeah! You read right... And the 'AM' isn't a typo either. This snap, taken about a week back in our township, with no camera effects whatsoever, is by far the darkest 11AM I've witnessed till date. Isn't it strange to think that the cloud cover here is so thick, that the tropic sun overhead at this very instant, blaring down in all its glory, is nothing but invisible! Bet the only other place you can see a total daytime blackout is Antarctica, where its dark for six months at a time, thanks to the tilt of the Earth's axis.

Here, I don't mention spring or autumn as they really seem like the foster kids amongst seasons, or like the demoted dwarf planet Pluto in our solar system. They are simply a transition phase between the three major seasons. So, what weather guy or gal are you? Feel free to share in the comments below.

1 comment:

  1. My favourite season is winter. Maintaining the comfort level - irrespective of whether I am inside or outside - is within my control. I also like rainy season as long as there is no compulsion of venturing out in the rain. With regard to 'summer' - particularly when the temperature is very high - attending to outdoor job becomes very painful which I don't like. Therefore, during peak summer I remain optimistic by thinking "winter is coming". Great going! Wonderful article! [TKDev(Pune)]
