Tuesday 6 December 2016

Destiny Calling...

Seventy one articles, summing up nearly every landmark event that has crossed my path and every cerebration that has ever crossed my mind... I guess out of all things, this blog comes the closest to defining who I really am today! Sometimes, when I've nothing else to do and read some of my previous articles, it is like going through a psychological case study on yourself. It just makes me sit back and think about how each one of us is molded by time and altered bit by bit with every happening in our lives...

Now, as people of my age group slowly begin to settle down, getting into the groove professionally and personally, establishing ourselves in the world, I feel we should never let go of the ladder which brought us to this pedestal. Carrying all our past experiences not as a burden but as a passive shield, helps take on the future head on. The hereafter that awaits is an active playground open to all possibilities, and needs to be taken by the horns.

I've learned so much... Folks usually get a wind of how the world works may be by going through certain upheavals first hand, but I'm glad to say that there isn't much that I regret doing or having not done. If the world sees you how you would like to perceive yourself, then you are where you need to be. How the world treats you however depends on how you perceive the world.

I once asked a friend of mine how to make something special... His answer was simple: "You don't make something special; it simply becomes special". That really was an eye-opener, as I had always held the opinion that what makes something exceptional was exclusivity and uniqueness, and although that might play a part, doesn't a simple dinner shared with someone dear usually taste better than an expensive five-star one had alone? Also, remember that blank scroll in the Kung Fu Panda movie? Oh well! Enough rummaging for answers already... A quarter of a century worth of knowhow ought to be enough for a decent start.

So, what now? Destiny calling? As far as my current bearings here at Panipat go, the stage is all set for fate to reveal itself. As I convert my leased accommodation into a home away from home, even the landlord and landlady seem to be getting used to the idea of having me around, inviting me to marriage parties and a lot more. Even at the workplace, as I get acclimated to aligning my thoughts and actions in tune with IOC's vision, I hope in the long run I make a quantifiable impact on the oil and gas sector at large. A few more crucial elements added to this unending process of discovery called life over the next year or so, and I'll be ready to take it to the next level... Until then, three cheers and good luck to all!
Home away from home...

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