Wednesday 19 March 2014

A Demur Of Sorts

IIT (BHU), Varanasi has seen many a rebellion in these past few decades, but recently the number and frequency of such heavy-handed protests have observed an exponential rise. So an analytic breakdown of the situation has become inevitable! Amongst all the ongoing remonstrance across the other faculties of BHU, including a strike of the medicos at Sir Sunderlal Hospital (SSH), which was partially responsible for costing the life of a trauma victim, IIT-BHU was soon to follow suit. Ergo, what is the caterwaul all about and how can this dilemma be remedied?

The ever growing unrest with the recently appointed directorate and its overtly autocratic policies reached a fever pitch when the already incongruous attendance rule was whimsically modified without any prior notice, nearly causing some fourth year students across various departments to lose their jobs. The blind-eye turned by the governance to malicious green-eyed inter-faculty barbarism and the unresponsiveness of the college authorities in addressing simple requests like that of preponing the placement season by a week, has further added fuel to the roaring flames! The absolute apathy portrayed by the institution towards the future careers of the bright young minds it nurtures is further proof that some drastic measures had to be taken to set things right. So how do you tackle such a crisis?

We were used to seeing the students from the science, arts, law, management and other faculties of BHU go to fierce proportions for achieving even the smallest of their demands, including stone pelting of buses and introducing road blockages... But, the IITian crowd being a tat bit more civilized, decided to have a pen-down instead. We had our differences over the course of action being suggested as I, for one, felt that bunking our sessionals would do us more harm than good, especially keeping in mind the outright indifference showed by the administration towards student welfare.

But who is to argue with the crazed majority, irrespective of whether their minds are driven by logic or frustration? After all, not everyone holds a doctorate in anger management! Everybody just plunged into the agitation, without any felicitous leadership and minus the formal election of a few representatives to put forth the mass petition of the student fraternity. The intensity of the movement saw a gradual decline as people started chasing after their own agenda instead of sticking to the common original demands. It is saddening to see such a sorry state of affairs befall one of the otherwise top-notch colleges in the country.

I'm not against such a demur, and I actually love the fact that the students have a stentorian voice! However, I don't completely approve of the way the whole thing was carried out, where the minority was coerced into accepting the terms of the majority without being properly reasoned with or paying any heed to the opinion or rights of the individual! But with our degrees at stake and just another year before graduating, I've found it wise to put a regulator on my own bottle of wrath. Who knows what fate awaits us all and what pitfalls lurk in our way?

After an abrupt ending to our mid-semester exams and a cogent two day protest, most of our colleagues have left the college premises for enjoying Holi with friends and family. And although a board meeting is scheduled within the next seven days, there is one thing I know for sure... Even as most of the students remain undeterred in the face of the unconceding board, the management with all its resources and very few pressure points is hard to beat in this game of nerve, especially with its delay tactics and implementation of the divide-and-rule policy, at the slightest sign of disunity, in full force! As for me, I figure that spending some time in peace, away from the fiery cauldron in our college, should do me a tonne of good...
Recent Protests in IIT (BHU), Varanasi

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