Friday, 13 January 2012

The Mystery Of ‘Reason’!...

Life’s always full of brain-churning puzzles, riddles and questions, some of which can’t be clearly answered, even after a lifetime of head scratching. Although most people go about their lives by their instincts and what they ‘want’, there exist a handful, who actually attach a ‘Why’ to their ‘What’ and try to reason with themselves before jumping into something. You see, in nature, there’s always a driving force behind everything. This ‘driving force’ is what we call ‘reason’!

But, every chain of reasoning has to start from a certain assumption, principal or law, whatever you may call it. This is the point beyond which more ‘Whys’ yield no more results, and the best our persistence can achieve is making us go in circles, using previous ‘assumptions’ as our ‘reasons’. This is what attaches ‘mystery’ to ‘reason’.

Furthermore, our reasons may, and will differ depending on our points of view. Just for example, while I’m busy learning Matlab and other softwares, and helping out some of my friends, participating in Technex (the annual technical festival of our college), with the programming of their robots; the only thing that some people bother to ask me is whether I’ll be getting a certificate for it! Now, self-development is proof enough and ‘reason’ enough for learning stuff, and I know fruitless pieces of paper are not necessarily required to validate what someone’s doing.

‘Reason’ is the holy grail of everything. If we ever find out the reason behind each and every occurrence, behind what has already happened and what is going to happen, we might as well lose our reason to live. Therein lies the contradiction and confusion!......

So, What is ‘reason’ actually?..... It’s something which has its roots in baseless presumptions and uncertainty and yet logical people must embrace it! It’s something which we crave to know and yet, might not really want to know, as that would make our lives utterly boring!...

So, what should we do?... Well, honestly, I don’t know! I have mixed feelings about how my life has turned out till now! I have done some things which I’m proud of, and some others which could have been done a little differently, or shouldn’t have been done at all. Anyhow, I’ve felt it best to let life unveil the right ‘reasons’ at the appropriate times.

As I take steady steps towards my future, with hopes and ambitions and also, some impending fears, I don’t know how things are going to turn out and what I’m going to face. But, none-the-less, I hope and believe that things are going to fall into place and someday, I’ll gain a subtle understanding of the mystery, that is ‘Reason’!...    

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